Mobile Device Info API



For these APIs the OAuth Authorization Grant Type is used.

To replicate this walkthrough, you need the following: client-id and client-secret. You get the client credentials when you register/order your app. 

Make sure your callback url is set to https://localhost in you application settings.

You can test-drive our APIs without real credentials by replacing the real endpoint with the sandbox url


A minimal example to authenticate with the API is given below (replace the client-id and client-secret with your own):

If you were successful using the correct credentials, running this example will return a valid access-token that you can use to make calls against the APIs you have access to.

For a more in-depth explanation of the authorization and authentication flow, consult the OAuth documentation


To get the user info try the following curl:

A full example in Node.js can be found in our GitHub Repo


When the access token is obtained the app can access the available endpoints for this specific API.

Mobile Device Info API-reference